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Archive for the 'Lick Skillet' Category

How are you doing? How is our America doing?

We’ve got to answer those questions, don’t we? And more. Is our border secure? Is inflation going through the roof and costing us to lose 15% of our annual value in income, after taxes? How much is Chyna eating our lunch? Who wants to support the nazis in Ukraine? Only the bad guys would send […]

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Vive Charlie Hebdo!

Long live Charlie Hebdo! is the translation of this PNN story. Charlie Hebdo becomes a stand on principle. The latest edition of Charlie Hebdo shows a picture of the Prophet Muhammad under a caption that reads, “All is Forgiven”.  The cartoon of the Islamic Prophet also holds a sign that says, “I am Charlie.” Satire […]

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In Memory of Charlie Hebdo and the Death of Free Speech.

DATELINE PARIS, FRANCE 1/7/2015   Parisians, Frenchmen, and the world remembers Charlie Hebdo. http://youtu.be/P1jJT8errmM This is war.  Prepare yourselves from Potneck to Paris. Free Speech was attacked yesterday by a violent middle eastern religion that has no tolerance for anyone who disagrees with it. Is that true?  Or, is this another false flag attack to […]

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